The CoffeePi (Part 2 of 2)

Important notice: This post is about the legacy Nabto 4/Micro platform which has been superseded by the Nabto 5/Edge platform. Also see the general comparison of Nabto 4/Micro (uNabto) and Nabto 5/Edge. Breaking news! The CoffeePi will be appearing at Smart IoT London 2016! Feel free to drop by our booth and get a hot […]

ESP8266 WiFi Module + Nabto

Important notice: This post is outdated. Nabto only works on ESP8266 through the legacy Nabto 4/Micro (uNabto) platform which is no longer supported for new designs. Instead, it is highly recommended to look at the modern Nabto 5/Edge platform and its support for ESP32. The ESP8266 is a low-cost WiFi module that can be programmed […]

Raspberry Pi 3 IoT – Perfect for Nabto

A few days ago (29/2-2016) the new Raspberry Pi 3 was announced. Of course we were all excited here at the Nabto headquarters and quickly bought a few. Since they are reviewed as the perfect platform for IoT we wanted to check out if it is perfect for Nabto as well. Spoiler alert: it is ! Setting […]

The CoffeePi (Part 1 of 2)

When I asked if I could hack the 1300$ (8800 dkk) coffee machine at the Nabto headquarters the responses varied from “no way” to “I’ll give it 30 % chance of success”. Eventually they surrendered to my request, so let’s see if it all worked out! Since this project was rather substantial, the coffee machine saga will be split […]

Security in Nabto P2P/IoT solutions

Security in IoT and especially in home security solutions has been subject for several recent articles and debate, for instance see Since the article above covers the general security issues of P2P, the same concerns of course apply to Nabto based solutions – this post addresses these concerns and summarizes the security principles of our […]

The SunPi Control Center

Ever since I first build my solar powered Raspberry Pi system, called the SunPi, I wanted to be able to remote control it. More specifically, in the summertime, when the sun shines heavily the battery would be filled within an hour after sunrise. The rest of the day, the charge controller would simply waste/curtail excess energy […]